Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Limited Edition Coop Hotwheels!

Another thing I forgot to mention is my latest purchase (well one of them - I was also attacked by ebay with an NOS pontiac steering wheel and an original '56 pontiac salesman's manual which I will have to show pictures of soon but those are a different story!):

They are a set of Limited Edition Coop Hotwheels made specifically for a Hot Wheels Convention in Japan with a plastic display case and everything.

I had originally ordered them for an anniversary present for September but since it looks like that is not going to happen, I am pretty happy to keep them for myself! I guess there are benefits to being single (now if we can just divide up the car books and magazines amicably)...

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The New Math: Addition and Subtraction...

Well, I had a new addition to the family a few weeks ago and never quite got to posting about her...

She's a '56 Pontiac Chieftan Catalina 2-Door Hardtop (an 870 for those of you who know what that means). I got her at the Pate Swap Meet and finally got her home about a month ago. She was a one owner car with documentation (all the registrations up until '68 when her owner became too old to drive her).

She needs a lot of work but the body is solid and the engine runs (it doesn't stop though, it needs new brakes!). And all the chrome is there, mostly in decent condition.

I'll be posting updates of her progress, however slow that might be. First off, it is really hot here (that happens in Texas). Secondly, there have been some changes in my personal life which mean that there will no longer be a hot rod fabricator living in my house (kinda slows down the metal and body work). Yep, The Boy has decided to go back to West Texas and live with his mother rather than be in a real relationship (thus the subtraction). Plus she is going to support him and do all his chores, a deal he sure as hell would not get with me. So far we are still friends, even if I kinda want to kick him in the head at the moment.

So, it just means the car will take a little longer... And well, anybody know a single hot rod guy who wants to help me work on some cars?